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Technology has been constantly evolving since the development of civilization. From the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet, technology has changed the way we live, work and communicate. The advancement of technology is constantly adding new dimensions to our lives, making them easier and more comfortable in many ways.

In today's digital age, businesses are increasingly reliant on technology. A professional website and mobile app can help businesses attract potential customers and boost sales. Digital marketing, SEO and video presentation are also effective ways to enhance a business's online presence. Business software can help businesses manage their resources, inventory, sales and customers more efficiently.

I started my business at the beginning of the 21st century with a long-term vision of playing a vital role in the country's development by providing information technology services and creating employment opportunities. I believe that technology can be a powerful force and I am committed to using my skills and experience to help businesses and individuals in Bangladesh to benefit from the latest technological advancements.

With the aim of helping people get enough and authentic business information, we officially launched the local business search portal BD Trade Info (bdtradeinfo.com) on 5th February, 2003. It is now the largest and most popular business portal in the country.

The world is now entering the 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), which is characterized by the widespread adoption of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. Bangladesh is also preparing to face the challenges of this new era and the government is investing heavily in the development of information technology. I believe that Bangladesh has the potential to become a leading player in the global IT industry and I am excited to be a part of this journey.

I have a strong background in information technology, with experience in human resources, marketing, programming and server management. I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge necessary to lead my company to success. I am also committed to providing quality IT services at an affordable cost and I believe that this will help me to make a positive impact on the lives of people in Bangladesh.
Asim Tarafder, CEO, bdtradeinfo.com & T-Series Solutions

Asim Tarafder

CEO, T-Series Solutions
Founder, bdtradeinfo.com

Job experience in Human Resource Development department, completion of MBA with Major in Marketing, achieving international certifications on programming & server management and finally experience as a skilled programmer gave me ultimate confidence to start the business. By hiring inexperienced freshers I have always tried to share my own knowledge and experience with them to build them as a skilled manpower. Not just for commercial gain, I have been and will continue to be, dedicated to bringing quality IT services to the doorsteps of the people at an affordable cost.
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