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ZKTeco ZK-D100S Waterproof Handheld Metal Detector

ZKTeco ZK-D100S Waterproof Handheld Metal Detector
ZKTeco ZK-D100S Waterproof Handheld Metal Detector
BDT 1950
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Short Intro
ZKTeco ZK-D100S Waterproof Handheld Metal Detector

To buy or query, please call seller:

R.D. Security System
Call : 0171-9562328


Waterproof protection, standard 9V battery, 7v-9v operating voltage, <50mA operating current, 40KHz operation frequency, sound vibration and light alarm simultaneously, knife / razor blade / hand gun detection, 410 x 85 x45 cm dimension.


8 inch distance area
Power on / off switch
Red alarm light
Green alart light
Ruber weatherproof handle
Low battery light
Battery cover


Metal Detector Type : Hand

Electronics >> Metal Detector >> ZKTeco ZK-D100S Waterproof Handheld Metal Detector.


times. Last update: 22/03/2025.

Tags: ZKTeco ZK-D100S Waterproof Handheld Metal Detector price in Bangladesh, Metal Detector price in Bangladesh, metal detector in bangladesh, metal detector price in bangladesh, metal detector machine in bangladesh, metal detector online shop in bangladesh, professional metal detector in bd, waterproof metal detector in bd

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