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ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance

ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance
ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance
ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance
BDT 9800
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Short Intro
ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance

To buy or query, please call seller:

R.D. Security System
Call : 0171-9562328


ZKTeco MB-460 time attendance system is an innovative device with ZK advanced fingerprint and face recognition technologies. ZKTeco MB460 supports multiple verification methods including face, fingerprint, card, password, combinations between them and basic access control functions, user verification is performed in less than 1 second, 100000 record capacity.


Intuitive and stunning UI design
0°C-45°C operating temperature
200.25 x 148 x 33.04 mm dimension
380g net weight
ID / MF cards
Work code
Backup battery
External Printer

Security: Face / Retina
Fingerprint Capacity: 2000
Face Capacity: 1500
Card Capacity: 2000
Display: 2.8-inch TFT Screen
Doorbell: External Bell
Connectivity: TCP/IP / USB-Host / Wi-Fi Optional
Power Supply: DC 12V 1.5A

Electronics >> Metal Detector >> ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance.


times. Last update: 24/03/2025.

Tags: ZKTeco MB460 Face / Finger / Card / Password Time Attendance price in Bangladesh, Metal Detector price in Bangladesh, metal detector in bangladesh, metal detector price in bangladesh, metal detector machine in bangladesh, metal detector online shop in bangladesh, professional metal detector in bd, waterproof metal detector in bd

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