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ZKTeco F22 Ultra-Thin Wi-Fi Standalone Fingerprint Reader

ZKTeco F22 Ultra-Thin Wi-Fi Standalone Fingerprint Reader
BDT 8700
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Short Intro
ZKTeco F22 Ultra-Thin Wi-Fi Standalone Fingerprint Reader

To buy or query, please call seller:

Third Eye Electronics
Call : 01707-007766


ZKTeco F22 fingerprint reader has three interface style including common / matrix / and magic styles, fingerprint sensor with version 10.0 fingerprint algorithm, less than 1 second user recognition, stores 3000 fingerprint templates and 30000 transactions, reads fingerprint and RFID cards, Wi-Fi, built-in wiegand input/output port for connection to third part access control panels, USB port for manual data transfer, audio-visual indication for acceptance and rejection of valid / invalid fingers, tamper switch and alarm contacts.

Security: Finger
User Capacity: 100000
Fingerprint Capacity: 3000
Face Capacity: 5000 Optional ID or IC card
Log Capacity: 30000
Display: 2.4-inch TFT LCD Color Screen
Door Sensor: Yes
Door Lock: 3rd Party Electric Lock
Doorbell: Alarm
Connectivity: RS232/485 / TCP/IP / USB-Host / Wi-Fi
Power Supply: 12V DC,3A
Other Features: DST, Automatic Status Switch, Record query, T9 input, 14 digit user ID, Anti-passback, Scheduled-Bell

Electronics >> Access Control >> ZKTeco F22 Ultra-Thin Wi-Fi Standalone Fingerprint Reader.


times. Last update: 25/02/2025.

Tags: ZKTeco F22 Ultra-Thin Wi-Fi Standalone Fingerprint Reader price in Bangladesh, Access Control price in Bangladesh, access control system in bangladesh, access control system price in bangladesh, access control device in bangladesh, fingerprint access control in bangladesh, time attendance system in bangladesh, digital access control in bangladesh

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