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Zebra Symbol CS4070 Companion Scanner

Zebra Symbol CS4070 Companion Scanner
BDT 28000
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Short Intro
Zebra Symbol CS4070 Companion Scanner

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E-Tech Solution
Call : 01711-165947, 01711-165986


Large screen provides, tablet operating system, elegant and highly intuitive graphics, affordable pocket-sized, advanced bar code scanning technology, SE4710 image engine, 512 MB flash memory, bluetooth version 2.1, 950 mAh lithium ion battery, 3.40 hours charge time, 4.39 x 1.79 x 1.02 inch dimensions, 93.2 gm weight.


Wireless scanning for iOS / Android and Windows mobile devices
PRZM Intelligent Imaging technology
Scan virtually any bar code on any medium
Superior ergonomics
Easy bluetooth pairing
Point-and-shoot scanning
Real time and batch mode support

Electronics >> Barcode Scanner >> Zebra Symbol CS4070 Companion Scanner.


times. Last update: 12/03/2025.

Tags: Zebra Symbol CS4070 Companion Scanner price in Bangladesh, Barcode Scanner price in Bangladesh, Barcode Scanner in bangladesh, Barcode Scanner price in bangladesh, Barcode Scanner online price in bangladesh, Barcode Scanner suppliers in bangladesh

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