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Teneth TH740L Wi-Fi USB 500m/s Speed Vinyl Cutting Plotter

Teneth TH740L Wi-Fi USB 500m/s Speed Vinyl Cutting Plotter
BDT 80000
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Teneth TH740L Wi-Fi USB 500m/s Speed Vinyl Cutting Plotter

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Digital Corporation
Call : 01766-677700


Teneth TH740L vinyl cutting plotter has cache capacity 64MB, vinyl cutting plotter paper feed width 740mm, cutter pressure 10-500g, cutting width 635mm, cutting speed 500mm/s, high speed step motor driver, unlimited cutting length, repeat cutting 1-500 times, size 1045 x 330 x 395mm, 2mm characters cutting, CPU 32-bit ARM7 CPU and USB/ U disk/ serial port/ wi-fi.

Electronics >> Printer Cutter >> Teneth TH740L Wi-Fi USB 500m/s Speed Vinyl Cutting Plotter.


times. Last update: 25/03/2025.

Tags: Teneth TH740L Wi-Fi USB 500m/s Speed Vinyl Cutting Plotter price in Bangladesh, Printer Cutter price in Bangladesh, Printer Cutter in bangladesh, Printer Cutter price in bangladesh, Printer Cutter seller in bangladesh, large format printer cutter in bd, desktop inkjet printer cutter in bd, best printer cutter machine in bd

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