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Rongta RPP300BU Thermal Mobile Receipt Printer

Rongta RPP300BU Thermal Mobile Receipt Printer
BDT 6500
Price Type
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Short Intro
Rongta RPP300BU Thermal Mobile Receipt Printer

To buy or query, please call seller:

Prime Tech
Call : 01621-800000, 01613-340002


Auto cutter, 80mm / sec receipt printing speed, 3-inch roll, 75 mm/s maximum printing speed, 80mm width paper, 40 x 80 mm rolling paper diameter, easy paper loading, paper out alarm support, 2000 mAh rechargeable li-ion battery, 4-6 hours charging time, 113 x 103 x 45 mm dimension, 335 g weight.


Paper out alarm support
Easy paper loading
ESC / POS printing command
USB / power adapter / mobile power charging

Print Speed: 75 mm/ sec
Print Resolution: 203 dpi
Memory: USB, Bluetooth, RS232
Connectivity: USB, Bluetooth
Other Features: IOS and Android

Product Warranty
This product rongta rpp300bu pos printer comes with 1 year without cable and adapter.

Electronics >> POS Printer >> Rongta RPP300BU Thermal Mobile Receipt Printer.


times. Last update: 25/03/2025.

Tags: Rongta RPP300BU Thermal Mobile Receipt Printer price in Bangladesh, POS Printer price in Bangladesh, POS Printer in bangladesh, POS Printer price in bangladesh, POS Printer sellers in bangladesh, POS Printer suppliers in bangladesh, pos printer paper price in bd, mini pos printer in bangladesh

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