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Power Guard 3KVA 8-Pcs Battery Pack Online UPS

Power Guard 3KVA 8-Pcs Battery Pack Online UPS
BDT 28500
Price Type
Power Guard
Product Type
Short Intro

To buy or query, please call seller:

Orange Computer
Call : 01992 504500, 01710 824622


High frequency and dual conversion on-line technology, wide input voltage range, advanced PFC technology, 3000VA / 2100W capacity, pure sign wave, 8-pcs 8.2Ah battery, frequency range 46Hz-54Hz / 56Hz-64Hz, weight 11.5 Kg.

UPS Type : Online
Display     LED Indications for UPS Status / Battery Level / Input and Output Voltage / Fault Condition
Voltage Range : 140-280VAC
Output Power : 110 / 115 / 120 /127 VAC or 208 / 220 / 230 / 240 VAC
Surge Protection : Yes
Charging Time : 9 Hours
Backup Time : 15-20 Minutes
Port : 4 Port
Audio Alarm : Yes

Computer & Networking >> UPS >> Power Guard 3KVA 8-Pcs Battery Pack Online UPS.


times. Last update: 03/03/2025.

Tags: Power Guard 3KVA 8-Pcs Battery Pack Online UPS price in Bangladesh, UPS price in Bangladesh, UPS in bangladesh, UPS service provider in bangladesh, UPS customer service provider

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