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POCT Hormone Analyzer ANYLAB F1

POCT Hormone Analyzer ANYLAB F1
POCT Hormone Analyzer ANYLAB F1
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Best Hormone Analyzer ANYLAB F1 POCT, – Easy to carry (small size) and operate, minimal testing time, along with the merits of a large centralized syste

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Business Solution
Call : 01617-887754



ANY LAB-F1 is a POCT (Point Of Care Test) system that is based on immunofluorescence and test diagnostic items with the Samples – Serum, Plasma, Whole Blood or Urine like a large centralized system, so it can obtain results easily and quickly (3~15 The addition of ANY LAB F1 includes the merits of the POCT system, which has been used to measure the quality of the immunofluorescence, which is 10~100 times more than the colorimetry method, so it can achieve quantitative results with a higher degree of accuracy, making the test more useful.

– Easy to carry (small size) and operate, minimal testing time, along with the merits of a large centralized system
– High accuracy and economical price


    – Dimensions: 305mm x 260mm x 115mm
    – Weight: 2.2Kg
    – Power supply : 220V, 5A
    – Working temperature: 15-35c
    – Working huminity: Max 70%

  • Products Of Origin: Korea
  • Warranty : 03 (three) Years

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> POCT Hormone Analyzer ANYLAB F1.


times. Last update: 20/02/2025.

Tags: POCT Hormone Analyzer ANYLAB F1 price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment in bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in bangladesh, Medical Equipment suppliers in bangladesh, ultrasonography machine in bangladesh, oxygen cylinder in bangladesh, medical scanner in bangladesh, mri machine in bangladesh

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