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Ntfs Facial Steamer

Ntfs Facial Steamer
Ntfs Facial Steamer
BDT 1199
Price Type
Product Type
Short Intro
Ntfs Facial Steamer ,Skin moisturizer, full face skincare steamer, and inhalation+ T-zone inhalation to clear the blocked, moisturizer part of your nose

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NTFS Beauty Facial Steamer

Product Description

  • Skin moisturizer, full face skincare steamer, and inhalation+ T-zone inhalation to clear the blocked, moisturizer part of your nose.
  • Opens pores for dirt removal, makeready for oil. Melt dead skin cells and remove toner, cream, and other nutrients
  • Facial sauna, use of your favorite essential or aromatherapeutic oils as part of daily skincare regimes to produce a clear result, essential oil vaporizer.
  • Use as a Skin Indulgence, treatment, or just allow the steamer to act as an internal humidifier at any time
  • NTFS Steam Inhaler‘s face steamer offers all of the benefits of spa steam at home. With a full face mask, the facial sauna uses steam to open up the pores, helping to remove impurities and deeply cleanse the skin, adjustable steam level gives you complete control.
  • Before adding the makeup, this moisture can be used to relax the skin in order to make it cleaner, longer-lasting. Deep washing helps open pores and eliminate skin maquillage, dirt, and oil. NTFS Spa allows for the luxury, even in a tight schedule, of a spa treatment at home.
  • The facial sauna is ideal to treat the skin intensively and operates with an integrated electrical heater on the base of the unit, heats the water until it reaches the boiling point, allowing the vapor to increase. The reservoir has an ergonomically built mask to absorb and channel the steam onto your face. With a constantly adjustable valve, you can control the amount of steam.

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> Ntfs Facial Steamer.


times. Last update: 23/02/2025.

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