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Midea MSI18CRN1AF5S 1.5 Ton Inverter AC

Midea MSI18CRN1AF5S 1.5 Ton Inverter AC
BDT 42500
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Short Intro
Media MSI18CRN1AF5S 1.5 Ton Inverter AC

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Best Mart Electronics
Call : 01993-999694


60% plus energy saving, poweful annd GMCC compressor, turbo cooling speed, low voltage start up, 7.5kW power consumption, automatic air flow adjustment.

AC Type: Split AC
BTU: 18000 BTU Compressor
Coverage: 150-180 Square Feet
Filter Type: Six Health Filter
Fan Speed: Multi Fan Speed
Cooling Speed: Turbo Cooling
Air Control: Poweful annd GMCC Compressor
Remote Control: Yes
Timer: On / Off Timer, Comfortable Sleeping Modes
Temperature Adjustment: Yes
Energy Efficient: Inverter
Power Consumption: 7.5kW
Other Features: Golden Fin Condenser

Product Warranty
This product midea msi18crn1af5s air conditioner comes with 3 year service warranty.

Electronics >> Air Conditioner >> Midea MSI18CRN1AF5S 1.5 Ton Inverter AC.


times. Last update: 23/03/2025.

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