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Meril Quantilyte Electrolyte Analyzer

Meril Quantilyte Electrolyte Analyzer
BDT 159999
Price Type
Product Type
Short Intro
Meril Quantilyte Electrolyte Analyzer,Sample type for serum, plasma, whole blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and diluted urine

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Meril quantilyte electrolyte analyzer uses innovative ISE measurement technology that allows long-lasting, maintenance-free ion-selective electrodes. The machine adopts an innovative wave theory flushing method and direct flushing pipe method to avoid blockage and cross-contamination.


Sample type for serum, plasma, whole blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and diluted urine
50Hz frequency
220V voltage
<120W power
10000 test regulation capacity
Lon selective electrode principle
25 seconds measuring speed
35 sample positions including 1QC
Internal thermal printer
RS232 interface
10°C to 30°C operating temperature
<80% relative humidity
86-106kPa atmospheric pressure
38 x 27 x 40cm dimensions
6Kg weight

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> Meril Quantilyte Electrolyte Analyzer.


times. Last update: 03/03/2025.

Tags: Meril Quantilyte Electrolyte Analyzer price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment in bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in bangladesh, Medical Equipment suppliers in bangladesh, ultrasonography machine in bangladesh, oxygen cylinder in bangladesh, medical scanner in bangladesh, mri machine in bangladesh

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