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meril cliniquant semi auto biochemistry analyzer

meril cliniquant semi auto biochemistry analyzer
BDT 150000
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meril cliniquant Best semi auto biochemistry analyzer

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Meril cliniquant semi auto biochemistry analyzer

CliniQuantTM is a compact, stand-alone, benchtop analyzer designed especially for mid-sized labs. Ease of operation with accurate and precise assay results makes it the ideal choice


  • 8 assay modes
  • preloaded test protocols
  • 100 open test programmes
  • 32ul quarts flow cell, minimum aspiretion of 200ul
  • real time graph display
  • daily and monthly qc for 3 levels with  lj graph 


Medical >> Medical Equipment >> meril cliniquant semi auto biochemistry analyzer.


times. Last update: 20/02/2025.

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