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King Rabbit HJ-1800 300 dpi USB 2.0 Inkjet CAD Plotter

King Rabbit HJ-1800 300 dpi USB 2.0 Inkjet CAD Plotter
BDT 400000
Price Type
King Rabbit
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Short Intro
King Rabbit HJ-1800 300 dpi USB 2.0 Inkjet CAD Plotter

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Digital Corporation
Call : 01766-677700


King Rabbit HJ-1800 inkjet CAD plotter uses popular HP technology. It has 300 dpi resolution, USB 2.0 connectivity, double CPU control, 2 printing heads, 108 M2 / hour plotting, stainless steel spinous roller, servo + stepper drive, high stability and operant, automatic and manual ink carriage clearing, high speed, long time working, supports DMPL and HPGL language, fully supports for various CAD software.

Electronics >> Large Format Printer >> King Rabbit HJ-1800 300 dpi USB 2.0 Inkjet CAD Plotter.


times. Last update: 25/03/2025.

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