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> Products > IKE TC200-416 IKE 16 Line Apartment Intercom

IKE TC200-416 IKE 16 Line Apartment Intercom

IKE TC200-416 IKE 16 Line Apartment Intercom
BDT 8500
Price Type
IKE Interom /Pabx
Product Type
Short Intro

To buy or query, please call seller:

AK Telecom Technology
Call : 01912-102055, 01858-444121


PABX system TC200-416 apartment intercom has 16 extension line, 2 TNT line, auto- extension number display, boss/secretary call, caller ID intercom, call forwarding, call pickup remotely, conversation interrupt and break, 3rd party conference call. Importer & Supplier of PABX with Video Intercom System, CCTV, Access Control, Thanking you(N.B: We Also Provide , PABX System , Apartment Intercom , Fax Maching ,Telephone Set , CCTV Camera , PA Sound System , Conference System , Access Control and Time Attendance , Network System , Computer Accessories , All Kind Of Electornic Items , Etc ,) আমরা কুরিয়ার সার্ভিস ও হোম সার্ভিস দিয়ে থাকি ঢাকা ও ঢাকার বাহিরে.(1(One),Year Replacement guarantee, 18,Month Free Service,

Electronics >> IP-PBX System >> IKE TC200-416 IKE 16 Line Apartment Intercom.


times. Last update: 25/03/2025.

Tags: IKE TC200-416 IKE 16 Line Apartment Intercom price in Bangladesh, IP-PBX System price in Bangladesh, IP-PBX System in dhaka, Best IP-PBX System in Bangladesh, IP-PBX System provider shop in bangladesh, IP-PBX System price in bangladesh, IP-PBX System Equipment in bd, ip pbx system panasonic

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