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Gaoxinqi HCD399 52C P/TSDL LCD Display Corded Telephone

Gaoxinqi HCD399 52C P/TSDL LCD Display Corded Telephone
BDT 2200
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Gaoxinqi HCD399 52C P/TSDL LCD Display Corded Telephone

To buy or query, please call seller:

AK Telecom Technology
Call : 01912-102055, 01858-444121


FSK / DTMF multi-system compatibility, FSK message auto-adjust real time of the unit, LCD displays incoming number / date / time / serial number / total incoming calls, new call / repeat call / private / out of area / error indication, record 40 incoming and 10 outgoing calls, auto-filter local area code and auto-add "0" before IDD number, pre-dial function, edit and delete the number, electronic calendar, conversation auto-timer, full hands-free dialing and conversation, hands free volume adjustable, pulse and tone compatible and one key redial function, hold on music, steal-dialing alarm, anti-EMI, thunderproof design, 2-step lock, lock "0" and unlock, ringtone selection.

Electronics >> IP-PBX System >> Gaoxinqi HCD399 52C P/TSDL LCD Display Corded Telephone.


times. Last update: 11/03/2025.

Tags: Gaoxinqi HCD399 52C P/TSDL LCD Display Corded Telephone price in Bangladesh, IP-PBX System price in Bangladesh, IP-PBX System in dhaka, Best IP-PBX System in Bangladesh, IP-PBX System provider shop in bangladesh, IP-PBX System price in bangladesh, IP-PBX System Equipment in bd, ip pbx system panasonic

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