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Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer Sophonix

Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer Sophonix
Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer Sophonix
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Short Intro
Sophonix Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer, Brand&Origin :Sophonix , USA, Assembly China

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Business Solution
Call : 01617-887754


Fully Automated Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer Sophonix Aceso-80-A

Principle of Luminescence

•Magnetic Partical chemiluminescent immunoassay Method, 

• long stability of reagents

Main Features

•Throughput: up to 60 tests/hour

•24 hours ready to use

•Time to first result:15 minutes

Reagent Loading

Sample Loading

• Up to 8

• Continuous loading, STAT available 

• Analyzer auto numbered

• LIS connection

•Clot detection

•8  reagents on board

•Bentch Mode

•RFID read all info of reagent 

Reagent Features


•Connection to LIS via COM or network

•Direct operation on LIS system to test

Dimensions Weight

•735×660×520cm, 50 kg(Benchtop)

•Integrated kit, ready-to-use, no pretreatment required

•Integrated kit including calibrators and QC

•Use superparamagnetic microbeads

•RFID tag storing all info of reagent

•RFID tag with built-in master curve

•2-point calibration to adjust master curve

•Calibration stability: max 4 weeks

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer Sophonix.


times. Last update: 22/02/2025.

Tags: Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer Sophonix price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment in bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in bangladesh, Medical Equipment suppliers in bangladesh, ultrasonography machine in bangladesh, oxygen cylinder in bangladesh, medical scanner in bangladesh, mri machine in bangladesh

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