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FACA-200 Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

FACA-200 Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer
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FACA-200 Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

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Business Solution
Call : 01617-887754



Each set of FACA will come with one video to train in the installation, operation, and maintenance of the biochemistry analyzer.

System Functions

Type: Fully Automated, Random Access Biochemistry Analyzer.
Throughput: 200 tests, up to 320 tests/hr with ISE (optional).
Test Mode:  End point, Kinetics, Fixed Time, lmmunoturbidimetry, Monochromatic, Bi-chromatic and Multi-Standard Analysis, Linearity and Nonlinearity Calibration, Single and Dual Reagents can be used.
Parameter Setting: Completely open for editing test 3ertyuio

Sample System
Sample Tray:  44 sample positions for primary tubes, test tubes and various sample cups, Whole sample tray is removable and replaceable. Any position can be aligned as the emergency test position.
Sample Volume: 3 µL – 30 µL, programmed by 0.1 µL step.
Sample Probe: Liquid level detection and collision protection.
Probe cleaning:  Automatic washing for both inside and outside, carry over <0.1%.

Filters: FACA200 will have 10 filters 340,405,450,492,505,546,578,620,670,700nm

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> FACA-200 Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer.


times. Last update: 06/03/2025.

Tags: FACA-200 Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment in bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in bangladesh, Medical Equipment suppliers in bangladesh, ultrasonography machine in bangladesh, oxygen cylinder in bangladesh, medical scanner in bangladesh, mri machine in bangladesh

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