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ePhotoInc T-Shirt Heat Press Machine

ePhotoInc T-Shirt Heat Press Machine
BDT 1350
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ePhotoInc T-Shirt Heat Press Machine

To buy or query, please call seller:

IHP Corporation
Call : 01779-291080, 01882-119990


ePhotoInc industrial quality 15 x 16-inch sublimation T-Shirt heat press machine has 1800 watts, 0-6999 degrees F temperature range, time range 0-999s electronics time and heat control, precise time set-up silicon-gel based board, pressure adjustable and has
> Multipurpose swing-away heat press transfer printing
> Includes digital temperature, time, and a digital pressure / height gauge, as well as programmable presets, user definable alarms.
> Solid steel welded framework, However, the popular success of the Digital Combo lies in its instantly interchangeable system of heat platens and tables.
> Utilizes quick-change attachments for heat transferring images onto a surprisingly wide variety of materials.
> Ideal for professionally imprint T-shirts, ceramic plates, ceramic tiles, mugs, mouse pads, metal plates, jigsaw puzzles. fabrics and materials.
> Mug attachment allows the imprinting of mugs 1 side at a time. With dye sublimation transfers, full wrap images can be perfectly applied in multiple pressings.
> Plate die platens feature quickly inter-changeable components for allowing the circular heating element to press inside ceramic plates. Also included is a template tray and pad for centering the plate.

Electronics >> Heat Press Machine >> ePhotoInc T-Shirt Heat Press Machine.


times. Last update: 25/03/2025.

Tags: ePhotoInc T-Shirt Heat Press Machine price in Bangladesh, Heat Press Machine price in Bangladesh, Heat Press Machine in bangladesh, heat press machine price in bangladesh, Heat Press Machine seller in bangladesh, t-shirt heat press machine price in bangladesh, heat press machine in dhaka

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