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Electric Sucker Machine Easywell

Electric Sucker Machine Easywell
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Easywell Electric Suction Machine,The Electric Suction Apparatus Respirator SS-8A can be used to sucking fluid from the body

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Easywell Electric Suction Machine

The Electric Suction Apparatus Respirator SS-8A can be used to sucking fluid from the body. It is light and portable but powerful and strong, has a capacity of up to 2 liters (two bottles of glass), and is easy to use.


Brand: Easywell
Model: SS-8A
Size: Medium
Origin: China

– Adopting oil-free piston pump
– Clean – without pollution of oil and smoke
– Safe – no plus pressure during use.
– There is no pressure-flow backwards when the machine stops so that the liquid will not flow backward
– Plastic panels complete, easy operation.
– Choose negative pressure for pressure adjustment, an overflow protection mechanism, safe and reliable
– Max negative pressure: ≥0.09MPa
– Noise level: ≤ 65 dB (A)
– Power: ≤180VA
– Pump speed: ≥20L / min
– Capacity Capacity: 2500mL / pc x 2 bottles

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> Electric Sucker Machine Easywell.


times. Last update: 21/02/2025.

Tags: Electric Sucker Machine Easywell price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment in bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in bangladesh, Medical Equipment suppliers in bangladesh, ultrasonography machine in bangladesh, oxygen cylinder in bangladesh, medical scanner in bangladesh, mri machine in bangladesh

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