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Double FZ700/700 Shadowless Halogen Operating Light

Double FZ700/700 Shadowless Halogen Operating Light
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Flwer Medical
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Short Intro
Shadowless Operating Light(Prism),Model Number: FL700/700

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Business Solution
Call : 01617-887754


FZ700/700 Shadowless Operating Light(Prism)

FZ700/700 Shadowless Operating Light(prism) Quick Details Properties: The Basis of Surgical Instruments Type: operating light Brand Name: FLOWER MEDICAL Model Number: FL700/700 Place of Origin: Shanghai, China (Mainland) Product name: hospital digital Double led ot light price dental surgery lamp Main material: Staintess Steel...

Detail Parameters of FZ700/700 Shadowless Operating Light(prism)

1, the principle of reflection: multi mirror reflection;

2, ceiling type installation, composite shadowless lamp, lamp base diameter 700mm, diameter 500mm sub lamp;

3, the illumination is greater than or equal to 160000/120000Lux;

4, the system uses the balance of the six dimensional suspension system, the group of universal joint linkage, a full range of 360 degrees of design, with fatigue correction device and the positioning of the hand adjustment device, the use of regular time to facilitate positioning adjustment;

5, Amsco: each lamp each 2 imported OSRAM halogen bulb, a spare lamp automatic conversion function;

6, lighting depth more than 1000mm;

7, color reduction index greater than 97Ra;

8, infrared radiation absorption of more than 99%;

Medical >> Medical Equipment >> Double FZ700/700 Shadowless Halogen Operating Light.


times. Last update: 22/02/2025.

Tags: Double FZ700/700 Shadowless Halogen Operating Light price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in Bangladesh, Medical Equipment in bangladesh, Medical Equipment price in bangladesh, Medical Equipment suppliers in bangladesh, ultrasonography machine in bangladesh, oxygen cylinder in bangladesh, medical scanner in bangladesh, mri machine in bangladesh

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