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Digital Interactive Whiteboard

Digital Interactive Whiteboard
BDT 55000
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Digital Interactive Whiteboard

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Global Business Solution
Call : 01725-714288



Riotouch P-82 interactive touchscreen whiteboard has 1536.5 x 1126.5 mm projection size, 170℃ view angle, aluminum / ceramic and XPS whiteboard surface, infrared touch technology, finger / pen or any opaque object touch method, USB power supply, operating voltage DC4.6V - DC5V, power consumption 2 watt, operating current <200mA, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 interfaces, 5 meter USB cable, 12M/S cursor speed, anti-light intensity, transferring rate 25ms for the first point and 8ms for continuous points, cursor speed 180 point/S, resolution 4096 x 4096, aspect ratio:4:3, 8 pieces wall mount pendant, 3 pens, software CD, dimensions 1722 x 1241 x 38 mm, net weight 16.5 kg, gross weight 20 kg.

Electronics >> Projectors >> Digital Interactive Whiteboard.


times. Last update: 24/03/2025.

Tags: Digital Interactive Whiteboard price in Bangladesh, Projectors price in Bangladesh, projectors in Bangladesh, projectors price in bd, Projector sellers in bangladesh, best projectors in bangladesh, walton projector in bangladesh, used projector price in bangladesh, sony projector price in bangladesh

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