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Deng Yuan TW-1250 Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier System

Deng Yuan TW-1250 Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier System
BDT 18500
Price Type
Deng Yuan
Water Purifier System
Product Type
Short Intro
Deng Yuan TW-1250 Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier System

To buy or query, please call seller:

BGD Enterprise
Call : 01778-553075, 01511-355575



Deng Yuan TW-1250 is one of the finest unit in its class and capable of removing over 99% of all organics & bacteria as well as 95% of TDS. This system produces hygienic and good-tasting water just at your fingertips. Our RO system comes complete with a NSF standard pressurized water tank and all necessary fittings, installation kits. It has automatic power cut-off system - while the reservoir is full/system is running dry - It contains a CSM brand membrane which is 100% made in Korea. All other components of this machine are made in Taiwan.

Type: Under counter/ Wall-mount, RO output capacity: 50 Gallons/ 190 Liters per day, Input voltage: 220 V.

Guarantee: 1 year limited, applicable from the date of purchase.

Water Purification >> Water Filter >> Deng Yuan TW-1250 Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier System.


times. Last update: 10/03/2025.

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