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> Products > Deng Yuan HM-6181 Hot / Cold Water Dispenser And Purifier

Deng Yuan HM-6181 Hot / Cold Water Dispenser And Purifier

Deng Yuan HM-6181 Hot / Cold Water Dispenser And Purifier
BDT 73500
Price Type
Deng Yuan
Cold Water Dispenser And Purifier
Product Type
Short Intro
Deng Yuan HM-6181 Hot / Cold Water Dispenser And Purifier

To buy or query, please call seller:

BGD Enterprise
Call : 01778-553075, 01511-355575



Deng Yuan HM-6181 hot and cold water dispenser and purifier has compact and space-saving water dispenser design, full SS body with built-in 5 stage 100 GPD RO system, highly efficient and low power-consuming compressor, dispensing capacity hot water 6L and cold water 4L, SUS 304 SS tube hot cylinder, fireproof regulation standard, 2P30A leakage circuit breaker, hot cylinder tri-protection settings, LED display, R-134a green freon adoption and dimension W41 x D42 x H128 cm.

Water Purification >> Water Filter >> Deng Yuan HM-6181 Hot / Cold Water Dispenser And Purifier.


times. Last update: 11/03/2025.

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