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CCTV Package 4-Channel Hikvision DVR 4-Pcs Camera 500GB HDD

CCTV Package 4-Channel Hikvision DVR 4-Pcs Camera 500GB HDD
BDT 12800
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CCTV Package 4-Channel Hikvision DVR 4-Pcs Camera 500GB HDD

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CCTV Package has Hikvision DS-7104HGHI-F1 DVR, 4 channel video recording capacity, 2MP 4 pcs Hikvision DS-2CE16DOT-IRPF camera, 8 pcs video balun, 4 pcs 12V adapter, 500 GB hard disk drive, 20-meter cable.

Recorder Type: DVR
Recorder Channel: 4 Channel
Camera: 4 Camera
HDD: 500GB
Video Balun: 8 Pieces
Adapter: 4 Pieces
Cable: 200 Meter
Connectivity: Wired

Electronics >> Camera >> CCTV Package 4-Channel Hikvision DVR 4-Pcs Camera 500GB HDD.


times. Last update: 25/03/2025.

Tags: CCTV Package 4-Channel Hikvision DVR 4-Pcs Camera 500GB HDD price in Bangladesh, Camera price in Bangladesh, Camera price in bangladesh, Camera supplier in bangladesh, Camera seller in bangladesh, Camera importer company in bangladesh, online camera shopping in bangladesh

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