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Astra 25L Combi Grill and Microwave Oven

Astra 25L Combi Grill and Microwave Oven
BDT 9900
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Short Intro
Astra 25L Combi Grill and Microwave Oven

To buy or query, please call seller:

Habib Electronics Dream
Call : 01923-853256, 01960-403393


Astra 25L combo microwave and grill oven has digital control, LED display, auto menu, kitchen timer, 30sec express clock, quartz heater, 12" turntable glass, indicator light, express cooking, cooking end signal, 5 power level, child safety lock.

Auto Cook: Yes
Auto Defrost: Auto Defrost, Speed Defrost, Defrost by Weight, Defrost by Time
Child Lock: Yes
Control Panel: Digital
Kitchen Timer: Yes
Capacity: 25L
Power: 5 Power Level
Turntable: 12” Turntable Glass 8.5mm Thick

Product Warranty
This product comes with 1 year warranty.

Home Appliance >> Kitchen Appliance >> Astra 25L Combi Grill and Microwave Oven.


times. Last update: 22/02/2025.

Tags: Astra 25L Combi Grill and Microwave Oven price in Bangladesh, Kitchen Appliance price in Bangladesh, kitchen appliance in bangladesh, kitchen appliance price in bangladesh, best kitchen appliance in bd, kitchen appliance online shopping, kitchen appliance suppliers in bangladesh

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