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Registration process of RJSC

Procedures of registration with Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC)

The fees which have been determined to pay during submission of return, papers and documents by the company under Companies Act, 1994 are hereby given below :

1. Clearance to be obtained after submitting application alongwith fees amounting to Tk. 5/- (five) for clearance of the proposed company, society, trade organization (T.O.). 

2. After printing of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company [3 (three) copies] the same will have to be submitted alongwith necessary fees with special adhesive stamp.

3. Two copies of Memorandum of Association and constitution alongwith Tk. 250/- (two hundred fifty) will have to be submitted for the society.

4. 3 (three) copies of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, clearance of the name and license obtained from the Ministry of Commerce will have to be submitted alongwith Tk. 1,500/- (one thousand five hundred) fees for Trade Organization (T.O.). 

5. Form No-I alongwith Tk. 10/- (ten) as fees will have to be submitted for Partnership Firm. 

6.a) Form - XVIII and original mortgage deed with the concerned loan sanctioning organization alongwith necessary fees will have to be submitted alongwith necessary fees for statement of loan. 

b) Form No - XIX and original deed of revised mortgage deed in non-judicial stamp of Tk. 150/- (one hundred fifty) executed with the loan giving organization will have to be submitted with necessary fees for increased loan statement.

c) Form XXVIII will have to be filled in and will have to be submitted alongwith Tk. 20/- (Twenty) as fees for satisfaction of loan.