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How To Reach

How to Reach

Bangladesh can be reached by air from any part of the world. Biman Bangladesh Airlines connects Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet with 26 major cities of the world. International carriers like British Airways, Thai Airways, Saudia, Kuwait Airways, Singapore Airlines, Pakistan international Airways, Cathay Pacific, Indian Airlines, Emirates, Gulf Air, Druk Air, Aeroflot, Myanmar Airways, Royal Nepal Airlines, Uzbek Airways, Qatar Airways, Oman Air, Srilanka Air and Malaysian Airlines fly to and from Dhaka.

Airport Embarkation Fee

Every passenger embarking a scheduled or non-scheduled aircraft at an airport or aerodrome shall pay a fee for the use of and for services provided at such airport or aerodrome at the following rates:

(a) For Passenger destined outside Bangladesh: Taka 500.
(b) Where the destination is within Bangladesh: Taka 50.

Embarkation fees shall not apply to the following passengers:

(a) Heads of states or Governments and their entourage.
(b) Ministers and high dignitaries of foreign countries visiting Bangladesh as state guest.
(c) Transit passengers leaving Bangladesh by the same aircraft boarding which they entered the country or by the next available flight by which they have to reach their destination provided a scheduled night stop is not involved.
(d) Children under two years of age.

No person In-charge of an aircraft shall allow any passenger, to whom embarkation fees apply, to board the aircraft unless such passenger has paid the fee.

The fee payable by a passenger shall be collected at the time of ticket purchase.


Tourist can bring in free of duty personal wearing apparel and other personal effects exclusively meant for their own use including jewellery worth Taka 3000.00 and gift items worth Taka 500.00.

Baggage rule of Government of Bangladesh

Click here for current Baggage Rules (PDF file, 1,120KB)

Currency Regulation

A tourist may bring in any amount of foreign exchange in the from of Traveler's Cheque, foreign currency notes or foreign currency instruments provided he makes a written declaration at the time of entry in the Currency Declaration From (From FMJ) obtainable from the customs at the port of entry. However no declaration is required for bringing I of foreign exchange up to 5000 US Dollars by foreign tourists. While leaving Bangladesh a tourist can take out the unspent balance of the foreign currency brought in.

Passport & Visa requirements

affiliated bodies, continuous Discharge Certificate/Nullies/Seaman Book (Travelling on duty to join or repatriate from ship) issued by any country recognized by Bangladesh. Foreign passport holders of Bangladesh origin do not require visa provided their passports are stamped "No Visa Required" by Bangladesh Mission abroad. Visas are required for national of all countries with the following exception: Bhutan, Barbados, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Congo, Cyprus, Fiji, Western Samoa, Tonga, Seara Leone, Lesotho, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Greneda, Papua New Guinea, Seychelis, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Jamaica, Mauritstus, Malawi, Maldives, Singapore, Swaziland, St. Kitts and Nevis, Ghana, and Gabon. No Visa required means that no visa is required for stay in Bangladesh up to 90 days only. For Further extension of stay permission is desirable.